North America Countries and Regions Capitals List

North America Countries and Regions Capitals List

It has 23 countries. North America, northern continent of Western Hemisphere comprising of U.S.A., Canada, Central America, lower range in east and central plains. Climate varies considerably owing to wide range of latitude and altitude.

North America

Latitude : 7° N and 84° N

Longitude : 20° W and 180° W

Area 24235280 sq km (approx) (16.3%)

Population 353 million (4th)

Major Deserts : Chihuahuan, Colorido, mujave, Sonoran

Oceans and Seas :Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of California, Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, Hudson Bay.

Islands Greenland, Baffin, Victoria, New Foundland, Cuba, Jamaica and Haiti.

Highest Point Meckinley (6194 m)

Lowest Point Death Valley (-85.9 m)

Important Cities : New York, Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Mexico City, Havana, Kingston, Ottawa etc.

Major Lakes : Lake Superior (largest sweet water lake in the world), Huron, Michigan, Great Slave, Great Bear, Erie, Ontario etc.

Coastline : Canada has the largest coastline (2,02,080 Km) in the world.

Minerals : Coal, petroleum, iron, manganese etc.

Islands : Greenland, Baffin, Victoria, Newfoundland, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti

Mountains : Rockies, Appalachain, Brooks, Kuskolkwim, Alaska Range, Cascade Range, Coastal Range, Sierra Nevada, Sierra Madre etc.

Plateau : Columbia Plateau, Colorado Plateau, Mexican Plateau, Canadian Shield

Agriculture : Temperate and tropical products, cereals, tobacco, sugarbeet, potatoes etc.

Smallest country : Saint Kitts and Nevis

North America Countries and Regions Capitals

Below is the list of North America Countries and its capitals.

Countries Capital
Antigua and Barbuda Saint John’s
Bahamas Nassau
Barbados Bridgetown
Belize Belmopan
Canada Ottawa
Costa Rica San Jose
Cuba Havana
Dominica Roseau
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo
El Salvador San Salvador
Grenada Saint George’s
Guatemala Guatemala City
Haiti Port-au-Prince
Honduras Tegucigalpa
Jamaica Kingston
Mexico Mexico City
Nicaragua Managua
Panama Panama City
Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre
Saint Lucia Castries
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown
Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain
United States of America Washington, D.C.


-> It is the 3rd largest continent after Asia and Africa. It is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean in the East, Gulf of Mexico in the South, the Pacific ocean in the West and the Arctic in the North. To the North, it is separated from the Easternmost tip of Siberia by the Bering Strait.

-> 49° latitude parallel forms the boundary between Canada and USA and 100° W longitude divides the North America into two equal parts.

Physical Aspects of North America

Mountains Brook’s range, Alaska, Aleutian ranges, Cascade range, Rocky mountains, Coast range, Sierra Nevada etc.
Rivers Mississippi – Missouri, St Lawrence, Colorado, Columbia, Sacramento, Rio Grande, Yukon, Mackenzie, Nelson, Saskatchewan Peace etc.
Lakes Great Bear, Great Salve, Athabasca, Winnipeg, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario, Great Salt and Mead
Plateaus Columbia-Snake, Colorado and Maxican
Peninsula Ungava, Yucatan and Kenai

Important Information of North America

1. Canada has the longest coast line in the world.

2. Canada is the second largest country (in area) in the world.

3. USA is the fourth largest country in area and third largest country (in population) in the world.

4. 49th parallel forms the boundary between Canada and USA. It is the longest boundary between two country.

5. Erir Canal, Great Lakes waterways, St Lawrence Seaway are some of the most important canals of North America.

6. North America is rich in mineral resources such as iron ore, petroleum and natural gas, copper, gold, silver, nickel, sulphur, coal etc.

7. The Prairie region of North America is ideally suited for the cultivation of wheat.

8. The coniferous forests of the North America provides large quantities of soft wood. The prominent trees are fir, pine, larch and Spruce etc.

9. Lake Superior is the largest sweet water lake in the world.

10. Maize, wheat and barley are the important cereals grown in North America.

11. Canada is the largest producer of newsprint in the world.

12. The Panama Canal connects Atlantic and Pacific ocean. By using Panama canal, the distance from New York to San Francisco can be shortened to nearly 23200 km.

13. Canada has 10 provincial and 3 territories. But USA has 50 states and 1 federal district.

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