Verb Definition and Its Types with Examples | Rules of Verb PDF

Verb Definition and Its Types with Examples | Rules of Verb PDF

Any word that denotes an action is verb. Hence verb is also called ‘doing word‘.

Verb and Its Types With Examples - AffairsGuru

Types of Verbs

Verb can be classified into two categories.

Types of Verb

  • ‘Used to’ acts as both ‘modal‘ and ‘adjective‘.
  • Auxiliary VerbsThey are used in addition to other verbs. These are also called helping verbs.
  • Modal Auxiliary VerbsThey are also called helping verbs. Can, Could, may, might, shall, will, should, must and ought to are called Modal Auxiliary Verbs.

E.g.: 1. (a) She can run fast. [Where ‘can’ is a modal and ‘run’ is a main verb.]

(b) You should study English. [Where ‘should’ is a modal and ‘study’ is a main verb.]

2. Marginal Auxiliary Verbs : Used to, need and dare are Marginal Auxiliary verbs. These modals can be used as a main verb (Need & Dare) or an adjective (used to) in a sentence.

E.g.: 1. I am used to sleeping late at night. [Where ‘am’ is a helping verb and ‘used to’ is an adjective and ‘sleeping’ is a Gerund]

2. (a) I need you. [Where need is a helping verb]

(b) You need not come tomorrow. [Where ‘need’ is a helping verb and ‘come’ is a direct infinitive]

3. (a) She does not dare to come home late. [Where ‘dare’ is a modal verb and ‘to come’ is an infinitive]

(b) I dare not enter his room without permission. [Where ‘dare’ is a helping verb and ‘enter’ is a direct infinitive]

Important Points on Auxiliary Verbs

Rule 1 

Modal Auxiliary verbs are not used as main verbs. They are only used as helping verbs.

E.g.: can lift this box. [Where ‘can’ is a helping verb and ‘lift’ is a main verb]

He should work hard. [Where ‘should’ is a helping verb and ‘work’ is a main verb.]

Rule 2

Modal Auxiliary verbs are not used in V1, V2, V3, ‘ing’ or ‘s/es’ form. Their forms do not change with subject, person or number.

E.g.: She can help you. [Where ‘help’ is first form of verb (V1)]

You should understand your friends. [Where ‘understand’ is a first form of verb (V1)]

Rule 3

‘Ought’ and ‘used’ is always followed by infinitive ‘to+V1‘.

E.g.: We ought to respect our parents. [Where ‘to respect’ is to + V1]

He used to come late. [Where ‘to come’ is to + V1]

Use Of Modal Auxiliary Verbs


Rule 1 : Can denotes power, ability and capacity.

Could denotes past ability, power or capacity.

E.g.: He can lift the box.

could not come yesterday.

Rule 2 : Can is also used for taking/ giving permission.

E.g.: You can go now.

Rule 3 : Can denotes theoretical possibility.

E.g.: Everyone can make a mistake.

Rule 4 : Could is used to show remote possibility.

E.g.: There could be a bomb under your seat.

Rule 5 : Can shows friendly request; while could shows formal request.

E.g.: (i) Can I take your scooter?

(ii) Could I talk to Mr. Shukla?

Note : Both ‘able to‘ and ‘could/can’ show capacity. Hence they are never used together in a sentence.

E.g.: I cannot be able to come tomorrow. (×)

(This is superfluous sentence. The word ‘superfluous’ means more than required.)

The correct sentence is :

I cannot come tomorrow. (✓)

I will not be able to come tomorrow. (✓)


Rule 1 : ‘May’ shows possibility.

E.g.: It may rain tonight.

Rule 2 : May expresses willingness in an optative sentence.

E.g.: May you you live long!

Rule 3 : We use ‘may‘ in subordinate clause if Principal clause is in present tense, and the subordinate clause starts with that/so that/ in order that and the subordinate clause denotes a purpose.

E.g.: We eat so that we may live.

Rule 4 : Might shows less possibility. May expresses possibility (neither low nor high).

E.g.: (i) He might pass the exam but seeing his intelligence I don not have much hope.

(ii) It may rain tonight.

Rule 5 : Must shows greater possibility.

E.g.: He stays in five-star hotels and travels by air. He must be rich.

Rule 6 : When ‘May‘ shows respect/request, it is always used in interrogative form.

E.g.: ‘May’ I come in?

Note : Possibly/likely is never used with may.

E.g.: (i) He may possibly come tomorrow.

This sentence is superfluous. (×)

(ii)  He may come tomorrow.

(iii) He will possibly come tomorrow. (✓)ds. Instead simple present tense is used.

E.g.: If. as soon as, in case, provided, unless, until, before, after, when.

What is a verb and its type?

Candidates can download the Verb and its type PDF by clicking on below link.

Verb Definitions and Its Types with Examples

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