English Grammar Rules Subject Verb Agreement : SSC, Bank Exams

English Grammar Rules Subject Verb Agreement : SSC, Bank Exams

English grammar rules also includes the relationship of subject and verb. Subject and Verb Agreement is necessary to make the corrected and effective sentences.There are 12 English Grammar rule given. The fundamental basic rule is that singular verb should agree with singular nouns and plural verb with plural nouns.

English Grammar Rules Subject Verb Agreement - SSC, Bank Exams AffairsGuru

Rule 1 : Two or more singular subjects joined by ‘and‘ take a plural verb.

Example :

Radha and Meera is coming. (Incorrect)

Radha and Meera are coming. (Correct)

Shimla, Kasauli and my home town is a hill-station. (Incorrect)

Shimla, Kasauli and my home town are a hill-station. (Incorrect)

Rule 2 : Two or more singular subjects joined by ‘and‘ used for the same person, then take a singular verb.

Example :

The designer and the producer of the project have come.(Incorrect)

The designer and the producer of the project has come.(Correct)

My mother and my critic are here.(Incorrect)

My mother and my critic is here.(Correct)

Rule 3 : If the singular subjects are preceded by ‘each‘ or ‘every‘, then the verb is singular.

Example :

Each of us were afraid of being drowned.(Incorrect)

Each of us was afraid of being drowned.(Correct)

Every one are playing.(Incorrect)

Every one is playing.(Correct)

Rule 4 : If two or more singular subjects are joined by ‘or‘ , ‘nor‘ , ‘either or‘  , ‘neither nor‘, then the verb is singular.

Example : 

Either Rita or Geeta are lying.(Incorrect)

Either Rita or Geeta is lying.(Correct)

Neither the boy nor the girl have lying.(Incorrect)

Neither the boy nor the girl has lying.(Correct)

Which are your favourite sport -cricket or football?(Incorrect)

Which is your favourite sport -cricket or football?(Correct)

Rule 5 : When the subjects joined by ‘or‘, ‘nor‘ are of different numbers, the verb must be plural and the plural subject must be placed next to the verb.

Example :

Neither the boys nor the girl has come.(Incorrect)

Neither the girl nor the boys have come.(Correct)

Either the parents or the child has to come.(Incorrect)

Either the child or the parents have to come.(Correct)

Rule 6 : When the subjects joined by ‘or‘ , ‘nor‘ are of different persons, the verb agrees with the subjects nearest to it.

Example :

Either they or I are mistaken. (Incorrect)

Either they or I am mistaken. (Correct)

Neither she nor they is speaking the truth. (Incorrect)

Neither she nor they are speaking the truth.(Correct)

Rule 7 : A collective noun takes a singular verb when talked of as a whole and a plural verb when we talk of the individual parts of it.

Example :

The committee have chosen its president.(Incorrect)

The committee has chosen its president.(Correct)

The cattle is grazing. (Incorrect)

The cattle are grazing. (Correct)

Rule 8 : Some nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning take a singular verb.

Example :

Mathematics are my favourite subject. (Incorrect)

Mathematics is my favourite subject. (Correct)

Statistics shows that India is still a poor country. (Incorrect)

Statistics show that India is still a poor country. (Correct)

Rule 9 : Words joined to a singular subject by ‘with’, ‘in addition to’, ‘as well as’ are supplementary and do not affect the number of verbs.

Example :

The principal, along with all the teachers have come.(Incorrect)

The principal, along with all the teachers has come.(Correct)

The pizza as well as the cake taste good. (Incorrect)

The pizza as well as the cake tastes good. (Correct)

Rule 10 : When the subject is a relative pronoun, verb should agree in number and person with the antecedent.

Example :

I, who is your friend, is honest to you.(Incorrect)

I, who am your friend, am honest to you.(Correct)

Note : who is a relative pronoun, I is antecedent, is = verb of honest .

The books which you gave me is lying on the table.

The books which you gave me are lying on the table.

Note : which is a relative pronoun,  is = verb, The book = antecedent.As the antecedent is plural, so verb should be plural.

Rule 11 : When there are two subjects in a sentence and they are not in the same number, then separate auxiliary(helping) verbs should be used.

Example :

Two men dead and one were alive. (Incorrect)

Two men were dead and one was alive. (Correct)

Note : ‘Two men’ = plural subject , ‘one’ = singular subject, Verb = dead , alive, Auxiliary verb = were.

Eight shirts torn and one were burnt.(Incorrect)

Eight shirts were torn and one was burnt.(Correct)

Note : ‘Eight shirts’ = plural subjects, ‘one’=singular subject, Verb = torn, burnt , Auxiliary verb = were.

Rule 12 : A single verb should be made to serve two subjects, only when the form of verb is same for both the subjects.

Example :

He is ten year old and you twelve.(Incorrect)

He is ten year old and you are twelve.(Correct)

Note : ‘He’ = singular IIIrd person, You = singular IInd Person , verb = is . Both are singular but differently.

I am drinking tea and he coffee.(Incorrect)

I am drinking tea and he is drinking coffee.(Correct)

Note : I = singular 1st person , he = singular IIIrd person, verb = am . Both are singular but differently.

All the best for your upcoming exam!

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