Moon Facts and Information In English PDF Download – Physics

Moon Planet Facts and Information In English PDF Download – Physics 

The study of moon is called Selenology.

Some important facts and information about Moon are given below.

Moon Information

Queries Answers
Distance from Earth 382200 Km
Diameter 3475 Km
Mass (with respect to Earth) 1 : 8.1
Ratio of Gravitational Pull of Motion and Earth 35000 ft (Leibnitz Mountain)
Time taken by moonlight to reach Earth 1.3 sec
Rotation Speed 3680 km/h
Speed of Revolution around Earth 3680 km/h
Revolution period around Earth 27 days, 7 h, 43 min and 11.47 sec
Rotation Period 27 days, 7 h, 43 min and 11.47 sec
Atmosphere Absent
Part of Moon not visible from Earth 41%
Maximum distance from Earth (Apogee) 406000 Km
Maximum distance from Earth (Perigee) 364000 Km
Circumference 11000 Km
    • Moon is also known as the fossil planet.
    • The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.
    • The moon has no atmosphere, no twilight and no sound.
    • The size of the moon is 1/4th the size of the Earth.
    • Gravitational pull of Moon is 1/6th that of the Earth. Your weight will be about 1/6th weight on earth.
    • Silicon, Iron, magnesium etc elements are found mainly on Moon’s surface.
    • Temperature on moon varies from super hot to super cold. When sun rays falls on its surface, temperature can reach to a scorching 127° C. However, when sun goes down, temperature can plunge around -153° C.
    • First person kept his feet on moon is Neil Armstrong.
    • Moon has a very thin and tenuous atmosphere called an exosphere. It is not breathable.
    • It is fifth largest natural satellite in the solar system.

Moon Facts

  • It is drifting away from earth roughly 3.8 cm every year.
  • Your weight will be much less on moon due to less gravity.
  • Rise of tides on earth is due to moon.
  • Moon has also quake like crack and rupture.
  • Lunar eclipse is formed when earth passes between the Sun and Moon and a shadow is cast on moon.
  • Solar eclipse is formed when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth and causing a shadow to project onto the Earth’s surface.
  • Moon has no dark side.
  • No protection is available on moon from cosmic rays, meteorites, asteroids, comets or solar winds.

Moon Phases

Half of the moon that faces sun lit up as the moon orbits around the Earth. Various kind of shapes of lit portion of moon that can be seen from earth are known as phases of the moon. Each phase repeats itself after every 29.5 days.

Moon passes through 8 major phases.

Moon Phases

New Moon

When the Moon cannot be seen because we are looking at the unlit half of the Moon. The new moon phase occurs when the Moon is directly between the Earth and Sun. A solar eclipse can only happen at new moon.

Waxing Crescent Moon 

When the Moon looks like crescent and the crescent increases (“waxes”) in size from one day to the next. This phase is usually only seen in the west.

First Quarter Moon (or a Half Moon)

When half of the lit portion of the Moon is visible after the waxing crescent phase. It comes a week after new moon.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 

When more than half of the lit portion of the Moon can be seen and the shape increases (“waxes”) in size from one day to the next. The waxing gibbous phase occurs between the first quarter and full moon phases.

Full Moon 

When we can see the entire lit portion of the Moon. The full moon phase occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, called opposition. A lunar eclipse can only happen at full moon.

Waning Gibbous Moon 

When more than half of the lit portion of the Moon can be seen and the shape decreases (“wanes”) in size from one day to the next. The waning gibbous phase occurs between the full moon and third quarter phases.

Last Quarter Moon (or a Half Moon)

When half of the lit portion of the Moon is visible after the waning gibbous phase.

Waning Crescent Moon

When the Moon looks like the crescent and the crescent decreases (“wanes”) in size from one day to the next.

What is blue moon?

A second full moon in one calendar month is usually called a “blue moon”. It occurs approximately every 3 years. The idiom “Once in a blue moon” refers to something that does not happen often (like a blue moon).

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