Importance : 1 or 2 questions from ‘Surds and Indices’ have essentially been asked in every exam. In order to accuracy in your calculations, you will require complete practice of this chapter.
Scope of questions : Asked questions are based on basic concepts, completely arithmetic and without language like to evaluate /simply, greatest/lowest number, increasing/ decreasing order, square, cube, square root, cube root and higher powers starting from easier to tougher levels.
Way to success : Note that practice to solve these questions with full concentration and accuracy is essential. Only because of small mistake or not understanding , the basic concepts many students are unable to solve these questions.
In seventeenth century, a French mathematician Reni Dakata’s multiplied a number several times and showed the obtained product by a special rule, which is called ‘indices’ and the converse of indices is called surds.
Rule 1 : If any number is multiplied by the same number ‘n’ times, then,
a × a × a × a ………. × a (n times) = an
(i) where n and a are real numbers.(including fractions)
(ii) a is called base.
(iii) n is called indices.
Rule 2 : am × an = am+n
and am × an × ap = am+n+p
While multiplying, If base is same then powers get added.
Rule 3 : While multiplying , if bases are different but powers are same then,
ax × bx × cx = (abc)x
Rule 4 : While dividing, if base is same, then powers get subtracted , as
am ÷ an = am – n
Rules 5 : If there is negative indices on a number, then
$${ a }^{ -m }=\frac { 1 }{ { a }^{ m } } \quad or,\quad { a }^{ m }=\frac { 1 }{ { a }^{ -m } } $$
Rule 6 : If there are indices on indices, then indices are multiplied. As,
(i) $${ \left( { a }^{ m } \right) }^{ n }={ a }^{ mn }$$
(ii) $${ \left( { a }^{ m } \right) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }={ a }^{ \frac { m }{ n } }$$
(iii) $${ \left\{ { \left( { a }^{ m } \right) }^{ n } \right\} }^{ p }={ a }^{ mnp }$$
Rule 7 : (i) $${ { a }^{ m } }^{ n }\neq { \left( { a }^{ m } \right) }^{ n }$$
(ii) $${ { a }^{ m } }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }\neq { \left( { a }^{ m } \right) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }$$
(iii) $${ { a }^{ m } }^{ { n }^{ p } }\neq { \left\{ { \left( { a }^{ m } \right) }^{ n } \right\} }^{ p }$$
Rule 8 : Indices as fraction.
(i) $${ \left( \frac { a }{ b } \right) }^{ n }=\quad \frac { { a }^{ m } }{ { b }^{ m } } $$
(ii) $${ \left( \frac { a }{ b } \right) }^{ -m }=\quad { \left( \frac { b }{ a } \right) }^{ m }$$
Rule 9 : If ax = ay , then x = y and if xn = yn , then x = y
Rule 10 : If the indices on any number is zero, the value of that number is 1, as
x0 = 1, 50 = 1, 100 = 1, (5000)0 = 1
Rule 11 : If ‘a’ is a rational number and n is a positive integer, then $$nth\quad root\quad of\quad ‘a’,{ a }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }or\quad \sqrt [ n ]{ a } $$ is an irrational number,
$$\sqrt [ n ]{ a } \quad is\quad called\quad surd\quad of\quad n\quad indices,\quad $$
$$it\quad means\quad \sqrt [ n ]{ a } \quad is\quad a\quad surd$$
Where (i) ‘a’ is a rational number.
(ii) ‘n’ is a positive integer.
$$(iii)\quad \sqrt [ n ]{ a } \quad is\quad an\quad irrational\quad number.$$
Rule 12 : $$If\quad \sqrt [ n ]{ a } is\quad a\quad surd,$$ then n is called surd indices and a is called ‘Radicand’ . Every surd can be an irrational number, but every irrational number can not be a surd.
Rule 13 : Mixed Surds – A surd having a rational co-efficient other than unity is called a mixed surd.
Rule 14 : Pure Surd – The surds whose one factor is 1 and other factor is an irrational number, then that type of surd or the surd which is completely under radical sign.
Rule 15 : Similar Surds – The surds whose irrational factor is same, that is called similar surds.
Rule 16 : Irrational numbers as − √2 , √3 , √5 , √7 …….. etc. have infinite recurring decimals.
Rule 17 : $$\sqrt [ n ]{ a } ={ \left( a \right) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }$$
Rule 18 : $${ \left( \sqrt [ n ]{ a } \right) }^{ n }=a$$
Rule 19 : $$\sqrt [ n ]{ ab } =\sqrt [ n ]{ a } \times \sqrt [ n ]{ b } ={ \left( a \right) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }\times { (b) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }$$
Rule 20 : $$\sqrt [ n ]{ \sqrt [ n ]{ a } } ={ \left( { \left( a \right) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } } \right) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }={ a }^{ { n }^{ \frac { 1 }{ 2 } } }$$
Rule 21 : $$\sqrt [ n ]{ \frac { a }{ b } } =\frac { \sqrt [ n ]{ a } }{ \sqrt [ n ]{ b } } ={ \left( \frac { a }{ b } \right) }^{ \frac { 1 }{ n } }$$
Rule 22 : $$\sqrt [ m ]{ \sqrt [ n ]{ a } } =\sqrt [ mn ]{ a } $$
Rule 23 : $$\sqrt { x\sqrt { x\sqrt { x\sqrt { x…….n\quad times } } } } ={ x }^{ \left( 1-\frac { 1 }{ { x }^{ n } } \right) }$$
Rule 24 : $$If\quad \sqrt { x-\sqrt { x-\sqrt { x-\quad …\infty } } } ,$$ where x n(n + 1)
then, $$\sqrt { x-\sqrt { x-\sqrt { x-\quad …\infty } } } =n$$
Rule 25 : $$If\quad \sqrt { x+\sqrt { x+\sqrt { x+\quad …\infty } } } $$ where x =n(n+1)
then, $$\sqrt { x+\sqrt { x+\sqrt { x+\quad …\infty } } } =(n+1)$$
Rule 26 : $$\sqrt [ a ]{ b } ,\sqrt [ x ]{ y } ,\sqrt [ n ]{ m } ,\sqrt [ p ]{ q } $$
To find smallest or greatest out of these, we should equate all the indices and compare the base.
Thanks you and All the best!
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