IDBI Executive Exam Analysis 2018 : 28th April – 2nd shift

Dear Aspirants,

IDBI Bank has conducted the exam for the post of executive today. Second shift of IDBI Executive Exam is also over now. It was a computer based test (CBT). Second shift was from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM. Details analysis of IDBI Executive Exam has been given in this article.

IDBI Executive Exam Analysis 2018 - Shift 2

Date and Time Of IDBI Executive Exam

  • Shift 1 : 9:30 AM To 11:00 PM
  • Shift 2 : 1:30 PM To 03:00 PM

IDBI Executive Exam Analysis : Overall

  • The Online Exam was of an MCQ test which had three sections namely English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability.
  • There were 50 questions for 50 marks in each section.
  • Total MCQ : 150
  • Total Marks : 150
  • Wrong Answer will deduct 0.25 mark from total.
  • The objective test had a composite time of 90 minutes for all three sections.
Sections Good Attempts Level
English Language 25-29 Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude 32-37 Moderate
Reasoning 34-39 Easy
Overall 92-105 Moderate

IDBI Executive Exam Review of English Language

This English section was of moderate level.

  • 2 sets of reading comprehensions (One was based on Banking System)
  • 4 vocab based questions of antonyms/synonyms
Topics No.
Reading Comprehension 10-15 Moderate-Difficult
Phrase Replacement 5-8 Moderate
Parajumbles 5 Moderate
Double Filler 10-12 Moderate-Difficult
Error Spotting 10 Moderate-Difficult
Total 50 Moderate

IDBI Executive Exam Analysis of Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude section was of moderate to difficult level.

4 Sets of DI

  • Tabular
  • Bar Graph
  • Caselet
  • Pie
Topics No.
Number Series 5 Moderate
Data Interpretation (pie) calculative 20 Moderate
Quadratic Equations 5-7 Moderate
Data Sufficiency 5 Moderate-Difficult
Miscellaneous 12-15 Moderate-Difficult
Total 50 Moderate-Difficult

IDBI Executive Exam Analysis of Reasoning Ability

The reasoning section was of easy level than other section.

4 Sets of Puzzles and Seating Arrangement

  • Tabular -2 (Month, Date and Person)
  • Linear Arrangement (x no of people, all Facing North)
  • Circular Arrangement Puzzle (10 people arrangement, 5 facing outwards, 5 facing inwards )
Topic No.
Inequality 5 Easy
Coding Decoding 5 Easy
Direction Sense 2-3 Easy
Blood Relation 2-3 Easy
Syllogism 5 Moderate
Puzzles 25 Moderate
Miscellanious 5 Easy
Total 50 Easy

IDBI Executive Exam Analysis – Memory Based Questions asked in 2016-17 (Previous Year Paper)

1. 5, 15, 37, 63, 101, ?

A. 95

B. 265

C. 152

D. 206

E. 143


22 + 1, 42 – 1, 62 + 1, 82 – 1, 102 + 1, 122 -1

Ans – E. 143

2. 409, ?, 361, 312, 223, 54

A. 375

B. 290

C. 390

D. 250

E. None of these

ExplanationIDBI Quantitative Previous Year 2nd Qus Ans - Shift 1

Ans – C. 390

3. 3, 4, 12, 48, 576, ?

A. 28750

B. 26176

C. 29525

D. 27648

E. 25395

ExplanationIDBI Quantitative Previous Year 3rd Qus Ans - Shift 1

Ans – D. 27648

4. 82, ?, 286, 373, 436, 451

A. 155

B. 175

C. 139

D. 145

E. 187

ExplanationIDBI Quantitative Previous Year 4th Qus Ans - Shift 1

Ans – E. 187

5. 20, 43, 62, ?, 92, 103

A. 85

B. 79

C. 95

D. 65

E. 58


IDBI Quantitative Previous Year 5th Qus Ans - Shift 1

Ans -B. 7

IDBI Executive Exam Review (28th April 2018) 2nd Shift -How was Exam? Share your Feedback

Feedback 2018

The IDBI Executive Exam Review (28th April 2018) Exam Shift 2 is over now. So, it’s time to share your experience with the exam as it will help you know bits and parts of the exam. Share your IDBI Executive Exam 28th April 2018 Review 2nd Shift and know where you stand among thousands of aspirants who appeared for the exam. And if you remember any questions or the type, share it with us.

Your review will be propitious for the other candidates and will help them to build up their own strategies and plans for upcoming exams based on the review shared.

All the best for your upcoming exam!

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