United States of America General Knowledge – USA Static GK

United States of America General Knowledge & Information – USA Static GK

National Bird Bald Eagle
Continent Name North America
Capital Name Washington, D.C.
Currency Name United State Dollar $
Spoken Language English 80%
Country Code +1
Population on Earth 2014 31 Crore
Number of States 50 Sates and One Federal District
Religion Christianity
National Sport Baseball
National Anthem Star Spangled Banner
Area 9,826,676 Km2
Surrounding Countries Canada and Mexico
National Flower Rose
Longest River Mississippi
Largest City Sitka, Alaska
Tallest Building One World Trade Center, New York City
Longest Bridge above water Lake Pontchartrain, 23.83 miles
First Nobel Prize Winner Theodore Roosevelt Peace, 1906
Independence Day July 4, 1776 from Great Britain
Most Populous City New York City
Motto In God We Trust

U.S. flag is red, white and blue. 50 starts on flag stand for the fifty states. 13 stripes stands for the thirteen British Colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Many people wear red, white, and blue on the birthday of the United States.

The first U.S. flag had only 13 stars when the United States become a country. Stars were added for new states. U.S. flag got fifty stars in 1959. 

National Emblem of USA

Bald eagle can live for 35 years.

U.S.A Landmarks

The United States has many famous landmarks. Landmarks are important objects, building, or places. Many U.S. landmarks honor times in America’s past.

  • Statue of Liberty : The statue of Liberty welcomes people to the United States from around the world. It is situated on small Island near New York City. The word liberty means freedom. Many people have moved to the United States for freedom.
  • Mount Rushmore : It is a landmark on the side of a mountain. The heads of four U.S. presidents are carved in the rock. Mount Rushmore in USA
  • Gateway Arch : Long age, the United States only had land east of Mississippi River. The Gateway Arch is in St. Louis, Missouri. Many people faced dangers to start a new life in the West. The Gateway Arch was built to remember them.
  • Mississippi River
  • Liberty Bell : It is a huge bell that stands for freedom. The bell rang when the United States became a free country. It also rang at other important times in America’s past. It is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It has a big clock on one side.
  • Washington Monument : It honors George Washington. He was the first president of the United States. It is situated in Washington D.C. It is the tallest building in the U.S. capital.
  • Lincoln Memorial : It honors Abraham Lincoln. He was president long ago during the civil war. Two parts of the United States fought against each other. President Lincoln did not let the country break apart.
  • The White House : The president of United States lives in the White House. Every president but George Washington has lived there. President often works in the Oval office. The white house is a very large house in Washington D.C. Many important meetings happen at the white house.

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