List of One Word Substitution Asked for Competitive Exam PDF – SSC CGL, CHSL, SBI PO, Clerk – Bank, Railway
One word substitutions are the single words that are used in place of a group of words is called an One Word Substitution. There are many words in English which have a very comprehensive meaning. A single word can convey the sense of many words. The use of such words is considered to be good from a stylistic point of view. These words add to the depth, clarity, aptness and effectiveness of the language.
Moreover, one word substitutions are indispensable while writing a precis of a given passage. A student is required not to exceed the limit of words. They come in handy in such situations. Hence their significance cannot be gainsaid and students are advised to learn them very seriously.
1. Abattoir : कसाईखाना => Place where animals are killed for food.
2. Abbot : मठाधीश => A man who is the head of a monastery or an abbey.
3. Abbreviation : संक्षिप्त => A shortened form of a word or phrase.
4. Abdication : अधिकार त्याग => Voluntarily renouncement the throne by a king or To formally give up.
5. Ablution : धार्मिक स्नान => Ritual washing of the body.
6. Ablaut :अपश्रुति => A vowel change that accompanies a change in grammatical functions.
7. Aborigines : मुलनिवासी => Original Inhabitants of a country.
8. Abstruse : अव्यक्त => Hard to understand.
9. Abundance : प्रचुरता => A quantity that is more than enough.
10. Accentuate : पर ज़ोर दें => Give more force or importance to.
11. Acclimatize : वातावरण के अनुसार डल जाना => To habituate oneself in new culture.
12. Accesssible : उपलब्ध => Which can be approached.
13. Accismus : इनकार => Pretended refusal of something desired.
14. Accomplice : साथी => Helper in a wrong deed or crime
15. Acrolect : उच्च भाषिका => A variety of language that is closest to a standard main language.
16. Acronym : परिवर्णी शब्द => Word formed from initial letters of a name
17. Addendum : परिशिष्ट => Thing to be added at the end of a book, etc.
18. Advertisement :विज्ञापन => A public notice offering or asking for goods, services, etc.
19. Agenda :घोषणा पत्र => Items of business for consideration at a meeting.
20. Afforestation : वनोरोपन => the act of forestation by planting many trees.
21. Agnosticism : जो ईश्वर के अस्तित्व पर संका करे => Doubtful about the existence about God.
22. Aggressor : आक्रमणकर्ता => One who commits the first act of attack, offence and hostility.
23. Allegpry : विरक्था => Story in which ideas are symbolized as people.
24. Alien : गेर नागरिक => One who lives in a country without citizenship.
25. Alliteration : अनुप्रास => Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter.
26. Alimony : तलाक पचतात की जीवन वृति => Allowance fixed after divorce to a wife.
27. Alphabetism : The expression of spoken sounds by an alphabet.
28. Altruist : परोपकारी => A lover of One’s own self.
29. Amateur : गेर पेशेवर => One who does a thing for pleasure but not a profession.
30. Ambassador : राजदूत => A diplomatic representative of one country in another
31. Ambidextrous : दोनों हाथो से निपुण => One who can use either hand with ease in working or writing.
32. Ambiguous :अस्पष्ट / दो अर्थो वाला => That can be interpreted in any way.
33. Amnesia : विस्मरण => Partial or total loss memory.
34. Amnesty : अपराधसमा => A general pardon of political offenders.
35. Amphibian : उभयचर =>Animal which live both in sea of on land.
36. Amphitheatre : रंगभूमि => A designated section of seats in any part of a theater.
37. Anarchist : अराजक => One who wishes to all established government, laws and order.
38. Anecdote : किस्सा => Short amusing story about some real person or event.
39. Anonymous :गुमनाम => A book or a work of art whose author is not known.
40. Antagonist : विरोधी => A person who opposes another.
41. Antitode : जहर- नाशक => A medicine to save the effect of poison.
42. Aphasia : वाचाघात => Loss of ability to understand speech.
43. Apostate : धर्म त्यागी => One who abandons his religious faith.
44. Aquatic : जलीय => An animals which live in water.
45. Arbitrator, Arbiter : मध्यस्थ => A person chosen by quarreling parties to settle their differences.
46. Archaeology : पुरातत्व विज्ञान => The study of ancient civilizations.
47. Archive : लेखागार => A place where government or public records are kept.
48. Aristocracy : कुलीन तंत्र => A government by the nobles.
49. Artist : कलाकार => One who practices one of the fine arts.
50. Ascetic : सन्यासी => A person who world and devotes himself to a strictly devout life, torturing the body for the good of the soul.
51. Assassination : राजनेतिक कारण से हत्या => A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons.
52. Assist : मदद करना => To bear a hand.
53. Astronomy :खगोल शास्त्र => Science of heavily bodies such as sun, moon, stars and planets.
54. Astrology :ज्योतिष शास्त्र => Science of the influence of the stars on the human affairs.
55. Atheist : नास्तिक => A person who does not believe in the existence of God.
56. Audience : श्रोता गण => An assembly of listeners.
57. Auditor : लेखा परिष्क => One who makes an official examination of accounts.
58. Autobiography : आत्मजीवनी => The life history of a man written by himself.
59. Autocracy :अक्तन्त्र => A government by one person.
60. Autopsy : शव प्रिस्क्ष्ण => Examination of a dead body.
61. Avaricious : लालची => One who is greedy.
62. Bachelorhood :कुवारापन => State of being Unmarried.
63. Bankrupt : दिवालिया => One who can not pay the debt.
64. Bay : खाड़ी => A Part of sea.
65. Beach : समुन्द्र तट => A stretch of sand / stones along the edge of the sea.
66. Bellicose : लड़ाकू => A person who is fond of fighting.
67. Belligerents : युद्धरत = >Nation engaged in war.
68. Benefactor : ध्रोम्पकारी => One who gives financial help to a school.
69. Bibliophile : पुस्तक प्रेमी => One who loves to collect books.
70. Biennial : दिववर्षीय=> Happening every second every year
71. Bigamy : दो विवाह प्रथा => Have two husband or two wifes at a time.
72. Bigot : कट्टर => One who is filled with narrow and prejudiced opinion.
73. Bilingual : दिव्वभाषीय => One who can speak two language.
74. Besiege : घेर लेना => To surround a place with the intention of capturing it.
75. Biography : जीवनी => Life History of a person written by someone else..
76. Biology : जीव विज्ञान => Study of living organisms.
77. Biped : दोपाया => Animal having two feet.
78. Blasphemy : इश्वर के खिलाप बोलना => Speaking disrespectfully about sacred or religious things.
79. Bliss : चरमसुख => perfect happiness.
80. Bohemian : स्वेचाधारी => One who does not follows the usual norms of social things.
81. Bookworm : किताबी कीड़ा => One who devotes full time in studying course books.
82. Boorish : गवांर => Person who is rough and ill mannered.
83. Botany : वनस्पति विज्ञान => The science of vegetable life.
84. Bottleneck : अवरोध => A situation that stops an activity from progressing.
85. Bovine : म्न्द्बुधि => Cow- Like.
86. Bravery : वीरता =>A place where wine is made.
87. Brittle : भंगुर => A thing which can be easily broken.
88. Bureaucracy : नोकरशाही => A government by the Officials.
89. Cabaret : केबरे नृत्य => A series of cabre dance/ acts at a night club.
90. Cabby : टेक्सी चालक => The driver of a taxi cab.
91. Cacography : भ्रष्ट लिखावट => A person who is bad in spelling.
92. Cacophony : श्रुति तत्व => Harsh sound.
93. Cajole : खुशामद करना => Persuade by flattery.
94. Calligraphy : सुलेखन => The art of beautiful handwriting, elegant penmanship.
95. Cannibal : नरभक्षी => One who eats human flesh.
96. Capsize : पलटना =>Overturn in water.
97. Carnage : हत्याकांड => Killing of large numbers of people.
98. Cartographer : मानचित्रकार =>A person who draws maps and charts.
99. Cartography : मानचित्र कला =>Art of map making.
100. Casino : जुआघर => A place where gambling is practice.
101. Cataclysm : पानी की बाढ => Sudden and violent change.
102. Catalogue : पुस्तक सूचि => List of books and articles.
103. Celibate : ब्र्हचारी => One who has taken a vow not to have sex.
104. Cemetery : कब्रिस्तान => The place for corpses to be buried.
105. Centenary : शताब्दी =>Hundredth Anniversary .
106. Centipede : कनखजूरा => An insects with many legs.
107. Centrifugal, Centripetal : अपकेंद्री => Anything tending to move towards centre.
108. Chronological : समय के क्रमानुसार => According to sequence of time.
109. Circumstantial : परिसिथितिक => Clues available at a scene.
110. Circumlocution : घुमा फिरा के बात करना => A roundabout way of expression.
111. Claustrophobia : एकांत्म्यता => An extreme fear of being in a small confined place.
112. Cloakroom : माल गोदाम => The place for luggage at a railway station.
113. Coerce : मजबूर करना => Compel to a course of action.
114. Colleagues : सहकर्मी => Person working in the same department.
115. Collusion : कपट संधि => Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose.
116. Comouflage : छुप जाना => That which makes it difficult to recognise the presence or real nature of somebody or something.
117. Condolence : सहानुभूति => Expression of sympathy.
118. Conflagration : भीषण अग्निकांड => Huge destructive fire .
119. Congenital : जो जन्म ही से हो => Belongs to a person by birth.
120. Congregation : धर्म संगति => Gathering of worshippers.
121. Congruent : सर्वागसम => Identical in all respect.
122. Conscription : अनिवार्य सेनिक सेवा => Compulsory enlistment for military or others services.
123. Contagious : संक्रामक => A disease which spread by physical touch and contact.
124. Contemporary : समकालीन => A person born or living at the same time as another.
125. Connoisseur : कला का परखी => One who is well versed in any subject, a critical judge of any part, particularly fine arts.
126. Contiguous : समीपस्थ => Two countries or states whose frontier touch.
127. Contrite : प्शातापी => Showing deep sorrow for wrong doing.
128. Constellation : तारों का समूह => A number of stars group together.
129. Contemporaries : समकालीन => Persons living at the same time.
130. Convalescence : पुन : स्वास्थ्य प्राप्ति के बाद => e period of gradual recovery of health after illness.
131. Conventicle : गुप्त => Secret and illegal religious meeting.
132. Coqette : दिलफेंक महिला => A seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men.
133. Coronation : राज्याभिषेक => Ceremony of crowning a king.
134. Cosmopolitan : पूरी दुनिया का निवासी => A person who regard the whole world as his country.
135. Credulous : अशुविशवासी => One who is simple and easily believes whatever is toldO.
136. Crematory : श्मशान घाट => The place for corpses to burnt.
137. Cripple : अपंग बनाना => Someone who is unable to walk normally because of an injury or disability to the legs or back.
138.. Crusade : धर्म युद्ध करना => A war of religions.
139. Curfew : कर्फ्यू => Bells rung in the church in the evening.
140. Cynosure : आकर्षण -बिंदु => a centre of attraction .
141. Dead Letter : बेकार पत्र => An unclaimed letter.
142. Demagogue : ज्नोउतेज्क => Political leader who deliver sentimental speeches.
143. Democracy : लोकतंत्र => A government by the people, of the people and for the people.
144. Denizen : निवासी => A person, an animal or a plant that lives, grows or is often found in a particular place.
145. Depraved : चरित्र भ्रष्ट => Morally bad or evil.
146. Deprecate : विरोध करना => Express earnest disapproval of.
147. Dermatology: त्वचा विज्ञान => The medical study of the skin and its diseases.
148. Despondancy : निराशा => Loss of complete hope.
149. Dereliction : कर्त्व का त्याग => Failing to discharge one’s duty.
150. Destitution : अभावग्रस्त => Lacking basic necessities of life.
151. Detrimental : हानिकर => Causing harm or damage.
152. Dexterous : कुशल =>Causing harm or damage.
153. Diagnosis : निदान => The process of deciding the nature of a disease by examination.
154. Digestible : सुपाच्य => That can be digested.
155. Diatribe :कतु- निंदा => Bitter and violent attack in words or writing.
156. Dictatorship : तानाशाही => Government carried on by an absolute ruler.
157. Diplomacy : कटुनिति => The skill and policy of a country statesman and politicians.
158. Dipsomania : म्ध्य्सक्ति => A strong desire to take liquor.
159. Discrepancy : विसंगति => Difference between two things that should be the same.
160. Dissimulate : छिपाना =>T o hide or disguise.
161. Dittograph : ध्वनी प्रेषण यंत्र => A letter or word repeated unintentionally in writing and copying.
162. Diurnal : देनिक => Of the daytime.
163. Divisible : भाज्य => That which can be divided.
164. Drawn : अनिर्णीत => A game or battle in which no party gains victory.
165. Dwarf : बोना => A person, plant or animal who is below the usual size.
166. Dynasty : वंश => Succession of rulers belonging to one family.
167. Economical : किफायती => Avoiding Wastage.
168. Edible : खाने योग्य => A thing fit to eat.
169. Effeminate : औरताना गुण होना => A man who is womanish in his habits.
170. Efferversce : ख्न्दब्दाना => Give off bubbles of gas.
171. Egoist : अहंकारी => A lover of one’ s ownself.
172. Eligible : योग्य => One who is fit for the post.
173. Emergency : आपातकाल =.> A sudden serious situation requiring immediate action.
174. Emigrant : प्रवासी => A person who goes to another country .
175. Emissary : जासूस => A person sent on a mission.
176. Encyclopedia :विश्र्कोश => Book giving information about every branch of knowledge.
177. Endemic : स्थानिक => A disease prevailing in a locality.
178. Entomology : कीटविज्ञान => A study of Insects.
179. Epic : महाकाव्य => A long narrative poem.
180. Epicure : अच्छा खाने का शोकिन => A person who is fond of sensuous enjoyments.
181. Epidemic : संक्रामक रोग => Disease affecting many people at the same time and same place.
182. Epilogue : नाटक के बाद का भाषण => A speech given after conclusion of drama.
183. Episode :कड़ी / कथांश => Part of a story.
184. Epitaph : समाधि- लेख => Words inscribed on the tomb of the dead.
185. Episodic : कभी-कभार होने वाली घटना => Happening only some times and irregularly.
186. Epistle : काव्यपत्र => A letter.
187. Epithet : उपाधि विशेषक =>Adjective added to a person’s name usually to criticise or praise him.
188. Epitome : स्टिक उदाहरन=> A perfect example.
189. Epitomize : स्टिक उदाहरन होना => To be a perfect example.
190. Equanimity : धेर्य => Calmness of mind and temper.
191. Equine : घोड़े का => Pertaining to horse .
192. Erotica : अशलील ग्रन्थ =>Books, pictures, etc. intended to arouse sexual desire.
193. Erudite : विद्वान् पुरुष => A learned or scholarly person.
194. Escapist : पलायनवादी => A person who does not want to see the realities of life and tries to escape.
195. Espionage : जासूसी => Practice of employing spies in war.
196. Eternal : अनंत =>Existing for ever without any beginning or end.
197. Ethnology : मानव जाती विज्ञान => Science of the races of mankind.
198. Etymology : शब्द निर्माण विज्ञान => Science deals with formation of words..
199. Etymon : धातु => An earlier form of the words in the same language or an ancestor language.
200. Euphemism : आंडबर शेली => Bombastic style of writing.
201. Euphonios : सुरीला => Sounding pleasant.
202. Euphoriya : अत्यंत ख़ुशी =>A strong feeling of happiness.
203. Evanescent : अस्थायी => Of a very short duration or period. / Ephemeral/Transient
204. Examiner : परिष्क => One who examines the copies of examinees.
205. Examinee : परीक्षार्थी => One who is giving examination.
206. Extradite : To send back the criminal to the country of his origin.
207. Explicable : विवेचनात्मक => That which can be explained.
208. Extempore : बिना तेयारी का भाषण => A speech delivered without any preparation.
209. Fable : कल्पित कहानी => An animal story with moral.
210. Fallacy : भ्रम => False or Mistaken Belief.
211. Fanatic, Bigot : कट्टर => Unreasonably enthusiastic about religion.
212. Fastidious : नखरेबाज => One who is very selective in one’ s taste and choice.
213. Fata list :भाग्यवादी => One who believes in fate.
214. Fauna :प्राणीजात => The animals of a particular region.
215. Feminist : नारीवाद => One devoted to the welfare of women.
216. Fiasco : पूर्ण असफलता => Complete failure.
217. Flagstaff : ध्वजदंड => A long pole on which a flag is flown.
218. Flora : वनस्पति => The plants and vegetation of a region.
219. Fluke : आकस्मिक सफलता =>Stroke of good luck.
220. Forgery : जालसाजी => Counterfeiting of document.
221. Foster Child : पालित संतान => Child brought by persons, who are not his parents.
222. Franchise : मताधिकार => Acting as an agent for a company ‘s product.
223. Fratricide : भ्रातहत्या => Murder of Brother.
224. Frenzy : उन्माज => A state of extreme excitement.
225. Gallery : प्रदशनी स्थल =>A room or building for showing works of art.
226. Gamble : जुआ => To play games of chance, etc. for money.
227. Garage : गाड़ीखाना => A shed for motor car.
228. Gastronomy : उतम आहार विज्ञान => Science and art of preparing and appreciating good food.
229. Garrulous : बातूनी => A person who is talkative.
230. Genocide : जन संहार => The killing of whole group of people.
231. Geology : भूगर्भ विज्ञान => Study of Earth.
232. Germicide : जिवानुनाश्क => Which destroy germs.
233. Gesture : इशारा => A movement of part of the body to express an idea or feeling.
234. Glutton : पेटू =>Fond of eating too much.
235. Gobble : लालची की तरह खाना => Eat fast, noisly and greedily.
236. Gossiping : गपशप => Talking about the affairs of others people.
237. Gratis : निशुल्क => Without any payment, Free.
238. Gregarious : समूह में रहने वाला => Animals live in flocks.
239. Hallucinogen : भ्रमित करने की दवा => A drug that causes one to hallucinate.
240. Hedonism : सुखवाद =>Belief that the most important thing in the world is pleasure.
241. Hearse : मुर्दागाड़ी=> A vehicle to carry dead bodies.
242. Henchman : सेवक => Faithful supporter.
243. Herbivorous : शाकाहारी => Animals live on herbs ( Plant only ).
244. Heterogeneous : विषम => Things of different nature.
245. Hexagon : छह : भुजाओ वाला =>A plane figure with six sides and angles.
246. Histology : उतक विज्ञान => Study of tissue.
247. Histrionic : नाटकीय => Vary dramatic.
248. Hoard : इक्कठा करना => To store and stock.
249. Holacuast : पूर्णाहुति => Large scale destruction by fire.
250. Homicide : मानवहत्या => Murder of human being.
251. Homogeneous : समांग => Things of same nature.
252. Honeymoon. सुहाग मास मनाना = The first night of newly married couple.
253. Honorary : अवेतनिक => A post without any remuneration.
254. Horticulture : बागवानी => Art of growing vegetables, fruit, etc.
255. Hospitable : मेहमानबाजी => Fond of entertaining guests.
256. Hypochondria : काल्पनिक बीमारी => Imaginary ailments.
257. Hypocrite : पाखंडी=> One who pretends to be what he is not.
258. Hydrohobia : जलांतक => A fear from water.
259. Hygienist : अच्छी तरह से सफाई करना => ares fully on his health.
260. Iconoclast : गेर परम्परावादी = A person who is a breaker of things of art and literature, or who opposes established institutions.
261. Idolatry : मूर्ति पूजन => The worships of idols or images.
262. Igloo : एस्किमो की झोपडी => The house of eskimo.
263. Illegal : अवैध => Unlawful.
264. Illegible : अपठनीय => Which can not be read.
265. Illeism : The practice of referring to oneself in the third person.
266. Illicit : अवैध => A trade or act prohibited by law.
267. Illeterate : अनपढ़ => One who does not know reading and writing.
268. Immaculate : A person who is pure and clean.
269. Imaginary : काल्पनिक => Existing only in the mind.
270. Immigrant : अप्रवासी => a person from another country comes to our country to settle.
271. Impalable : श्प्र्शातित=>Incapable of being perceived by touch.
272. Impenetrable : अप्रवेश्य => That which cannot be penetrated.
273. Imperceptible : अदृश्य => That which cannot be perceived by sense.
274. Imperialism : सम्राज्यवाद=> Policy of extending a country’s empire and influence.
275. Impertinent गुस्ताख => Not showing proper respect.
276. Impiety सम्मान की कमी =>Not showing proper respect.
277. Imponderable : असोचनीय => That which cannot be guessed or calculated.
278. Import : आयात=> Goods received by one country from another country for trade.
279. Impostor : बहुरुपिया => One who assumes a character or title not his own to deceive others.
280. Impregnable : अजेय => That which can not be captured.
281. Impromptu : बिना तेयारी का => Something said or done at once without preparation.
282. Immune: प्रतिरक्षित => Free from infection.
283. Impudent : रूखे व्यवहार वाला => Rude and not respectful.
284. Impunity : दंड मुक्ति => Freedom from punishment.
285. Inalienable : अवियोज्य =>Something that can not be taken away.
286. Inaccessible : जहा पहुचा न जा सके => Freedom from punishment.
287. Inaudible : जो सुनाई न दे => A sound that can not be heard.
288. Incendiary : जो आग / गुस्सा भड़काए => Designed to cause fire /likely to cause violence.
289. Incombustible : जो जले नहीं => That which cannot be burnt.
290. Incomparable : अतुल्य => That which cannot be compared.
291. Incorrigible : जो सुधारा ना जा सके => Capable of not being corrected.
292. Incredible : अविश्वसनीय=> Which can not be believed.
293. Incurable: असाध्य => Which cannot be cured.
294. Indefatigable : जो थके नही => Incapable of being tired.
295. Indefensible : असुरक्षित => Which cannot be defended.
296. Indelible :अमिट => Which cannot be erased or forgotten.
297. Indemnity : मुआवजा => Compensation for loss.
298. Indestructible : अनश्वर => That which cannot be destroyed.
299. Indignant : अन्याय के कारण क्रुद्ध => Angry at injustice.
300. Indispensable : अपरिहार्य => That without which one can’t do.
301. Indivisible : अविभाज्य => That which can not be divided.
302. Ineligible : अयोग्य=> Not suitable to be elected or selected under the rules.
303. Inevitable : कथन => Incapable of being avoided.
304. Inexcusable : अक्षम्य => That which cannot be excused.
305. Inexplicable : व्याख्य न करने योग्य => Something that can not be explained.
306. Inexplicit : अप्रकट => Not definitely or clearly expressed.
307. Inexpressible : अवर्णीय => That which cannot be expressed in words.
308. Ineffable : अकथनीय=> Impossible to describe.
309. Infallible :जो गलती न करे => One who can not make mistake.
310. Infanticide : शिशुह्त्या => Murder of an Infant.
311. Infections : संक्रामक => A disease spread by contact.
312. Inflammable : ज्वलनशील => That Which catches fire easily.
313. Inimitable : जो अनुकरणीय न हो => Can not be imitated.
314. Insecticide : कीटनाशक => The medicine that kills the insects.
315. Insolvent : दिवालिया =>A person who is unable to pay his debt.
316. Insomnia : अनिद्रा रोग => Loss of Sleep.
317. Insurrection : बगावत => Rising in arms against an established government.
318. Intercede : सिफारिश करना => Plead to obtain a favour to save someone else.
319. Intercept : रोकना =>To check or stop on way.
320. Intrigue / Conspire : साजिश करना =>Make or carry out secret planning.
321. Introspection: आत्म निरक्षण => Examination of self thought or feeling.
322. Interregnum : अन्तराल => The period between two reigns
323. Internment : नजरबंदी => Detaining and confining someone.
324. Intruder :घुस्पेठिया=> A person who enters without any invitation.
325. Itinerant :यायावर => One who travels place to place, particularly a preacher.
326. Investigation : जाच पड़ताल => Careful and thorough enquiry.
327. Invincible : अजय => That which can not be defeated.
328. Invisible : अदृश्य => That can not be seen.
329. Ireconcilable : असंगत => Impossible to find agreement between.
330. Irrecoverable : वापस न मिल सकने योग्य => That which cannot be recovered.
331. Irreparable : अपूर्णीय => Incapable of being repaired.
332. Invulnerable : सुरक्षित => Cannot be wounded.
333. Journal : अख़बार =>A newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity.
334. Judge : फेसला सुनाना => A person who is appointed by two parties to solve disputes.
335. Jurisdiction : न्याय adhikaA fixed territory in which authority can be expressed.
336. Juxtapose : संनिधान करना => Placing a thing beside another.
337. Kindergarten : बाल विहारA school for small children.
338. Kleptomania : चोरी करने की बीमारी => An abnormal desire to steal.
339. Knell : घंटा => A funeral bell.
340. Lexicographer : शब्द कोस बनाने वाला => A person who compiles a dictionary.
341. Library : पुस्तकालय => The place for books.
342. Linguist : भाषाविद=> One who knows many language.
343. Litotes : कटाक्षपूर्ण उक्ति => Understatement by negating the opposite.
344. Lipogram : वर्ण लोप => Writing composed of words lacking a certain specific letter of letters of the alphabet.
345. Logic : तर्क => The science of reasoning.
346. Loquacious : बातूनी => A continuous Talker.
347. Lunar : चान्द्र => Related to moon.
348. Maidenhood : कुंवारापन (लडकी का ) => The state of being unmarried (of a girl).
349. Malcontent : A person who is always dissatisfied.
350. Mammals : स्तनपायी => Animal which give milk.
351. Manoeuvre : An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct.
352. Manuscript : हस्तलिपि => Book written by hand.
353. Matricide : मात्रह्त्या=> Killing of one own ‘s father.
354. Matrimony : विवाह => Marriage.
355. Martyr : शहीद=> One who dies for nobel cause.
356. Masque : कठपुतली का तमाशा => A play or a dramatic performance in verse, with music, dance and fine customs.
357. Materialist : भोतिकवादी=> A person with whom money or gain is the most important consideration.
358. Matins : सुबह की प्राथना => Morning prayer in Church.
359. Maxim : कहावत=> An established principle.
360. Memento : निशानी => Something kept to remember place or event.
361. Melody : मधुर गाना =>A sweet music.
362. Mercenary : किराय का टट्टू => One acts only for money.
363. Meritocracy : प्रतिभा=> A system of governance controlled by person of high intellectual ability.
364. Metamorphosis : रूपांतरण=> A continuous process of change.
365. Meticulous : निपुण=> One who is very particular or over scrupulous about small details.
366. Migration : प्रवास=> Movement from one country to another country.
367. Mint : सिकका ढालना => A place where money is coined.
368. Misandrist : पुरुष्द्रोही => One who hates males.
369. Misanthrope : मानवता द्रोही => A hater of mankind.
370. Misogamist : विवाह से घृणा करने वाला => A man who hates from marriage.
371. Misogynist : महिला से घृणा करने वाला => A hater of womankind.
372. Misologist : ज्ञान से घृणा करने वाला => Hater of learning.
373. Misoneist : पुरातनवादी =>Hater of new things.
374. Missionary : धर्म प्रचारक => person sent to teach Christian religion
374. Monogamy : एक पत्नी प्रन्था => Marrying One at a time.
375. Monastery : मठ =>Place where monks live.
376. Mortal : नशवर / प्राणघातक => Subject to death.
377. Mortgage : बंधक=> A legal agreement by a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house.
378. Morphology : आकृति विज्ञान => Study of Plant and Animal structure.
379. Mortuary : शवगृह => A place where dead bodies are kept before post mortem.
380. Mutilation : शरीर के अंग को काटना => To cut a apart a person ‘s body.
381. Naive : सीधा सादा => Having natural simplicity of nature.
382. Namismatics : सिक्को की पढाई => Study of coins.
383. Narcotic : नशीली दवा => A medicine which induces sleep.
384. Naturalism : प्रक्रतिवाद => Adherence or attachment to what is natural.
385. Neogamist : नवविवाहित => One who is recently married.
386. Neology : न्व्शब्द प्रयोग => Study of formation of new words.
387. Neologism : नवनिर्मित प्रयोग => New word coined by an author.
388. Nephrologist : किडनी रोग विशेषज्ञ => Specialist of Kidney.
389. Nepotism : भाई भतीजा वाद => Undue favour shown to one’ s own relatives.
390. Neuritic : अत्यंत सवेंदनशील =>Excessive sensitive, anxious or obsessive.
391. Newfangeled : नई अनजानी चीज => Newly developed and unfamiliar.
392. Nonentity : अस्तित्विहीं => Person of no importance.
393. Nonpareil : अद्वितीय => Person or thing which has no equal.
394. Non- vegetarian : माशाहरी=> A person who can eat meat preparations.
395. Notorious : बदनाम => A men with bad reputation.
396. Nomad : बंजारा => Member of a tribe that wanders from place to place with no fixed home.
397. Novice : नोसेखिया => A person who has just started learning.
398. Obscurantist : ज्ञानोत्र्ती विरोधी =>Person who is opposed to enlightment.
399. Obsequies : अंतिम संस्कार =>Funeral rites.
400. Obsolete : पुराना => No longer in practice.
401. Obscurant : अन्ध्करवादी => One who is opposed to intellectual progress.
402. Oceanography : सागरीय विज्ञान => Study of ocean.
403. Octagon : अष्टकोन => A plane figure with eight sides and angles.
404. Odontology : दातों का विज्ञान => Study of teeth.
405. Oligarchy : अल्पजनाधिपत्य => A government by a few group of powerful person.
406. Omniform : सर्वाकृतिक => Having every form or shape.
407. Omnigenous : सब प्रकार का => Comprising all kinds.
408. Omniscient : सर्वज्ञानी => All knowing, Knowing everything ( God ).
409. Omnipotent : सर्वशक्तिमान => All powerful without end or limit (God).
410. Omnipresent : सर्वविद्यमान => Present everywhere at same time.
411. Opaque : अपारदर्शी => That which can not be seen through
412. Optimist : आशावादी => A person who looks upon bright side of things.
413. Orator : वक्ता => A person who makes formal speech made on public occasion.
414. Orchard : फलो का बगीचा =>A garden of fruits.
415. Orphan : अनाथ => A child whose parents are dead.
416. Ostracize : समाज से निकलना => To turn out of society.
417. Oviparous : अंड प्रजक => Bearing eggs and not young ones.
418. Ornithology : पक्षी विज्ञान => The study of birds.
419. Outing : भाग लेना => A holiday away from home.
420. Oximoron : विरोधाभाष => The words with opposite meaning used together.
421. Pacifist : शांति दूत=> A person who believes in the total abolition of war.
422. Pachyderm : मोटे चमड़े का जानवर => Thick skinned animal.
423. Pageant : तमाशा =>Elaborate public spectacle.
424. Palatable : स्वादिष्ट => Food or drink that has a pleasant taste.
425. Panacea : रामबाण => A remedy for all kinds of diseases.
426. Pandemonium : शोरगुल => A wild and noisy disorder.
427. Panegyric : प्रंशसा पत्र =>Piece of writing full of praise.
428. Pantomime : मूक अभिनय => Dramatic performance with dumb show.
429. Paramour : => जिसे शारिकी सम्बध हो => Sexual Partner or lover .
430. Parasite : परजीवी => An animal or plant living in or upon another.
431. Parasol : रंगीन छाता => An lady’s umbrella.
432. Parricide : माँ व पिता का हत्यारा => Killing of both the parents.
433. Patent : Sole right to make and sell some invention.
434. Patricide : पितृहत्या => Killing of one ‘s own father.
435. Patrimony : विरासत => Inherited from father or male ancestor.
436. Patriot : देशभक्त => A person who loves his country.
437. Patronymic : पितृ नाम => Name derived from that of father or ancestor.
438. Pauper : कंगाल => One who has no means of livelihood.
439. Peculation : गबन =>Use of public money for one’s own benefit.
440. Pedantic : ज्ञान दर्शाने वाला लेख => in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge and learning.
441. Pedestrain : पैदलयात्री => One who walks on foot.
442. Peninsula : प्रायद्वीप => Area of land almost surrounded by sea.
443. Pentagon : पंचभुज => A plane figure with five sides and angles.
444. Perceptible : इन्द्रियगोचर => That can be perceived by the senses.
445. Peroration : नतीजा => Concluding part of a speech.
446. Perseverance : लगन => Constant efforts to achieve something.
447. Perspicacious : तीक्ष्ण बुद्धिवाला => Quick in judging and understanding.
448. Perversion : विकृति=> Change to something abnormal or unnatural.
449. Periphery : उपनगर => Boundary of an area.
450. Perquisite : रिआयत => An emolument over and above fixed income or salary.
451. Pessimist : निराशावादी => A person who looks at the dark side of things.
452. Pessimist : निराशावादी => A person who looks to the dark side of things.
453. Philanderer : दिलफेंक => A man who amuses himself by lovemaking.
454. Philatelist : टिकट संग्राहक => A person who collects postage- stamps.
455. Philanthrophist : मानवता प्रेमी => A lover of mankind.
456. Philistine : कला के प्रति उदासीन => Person who is indifferent to art and literature.
457. Philogynist : औरतो से प्रेम करने वाला => A person who is lover of women.
458. Philology : भाषा का अध्धयन => Science of the nature and growth of words and language.
459. Phobia : डर=> Strong fear or dislike of something.
460. Phonograph : ग्रामोफोन => An instrument used to record sound.
461. Pictorial : चित्रमय => Having or represented in pictures.
462. Pilgrim : तीर्थयात्री => One who travels to a sacred place.
463. Pioneer : अग्रसर => One who leads others in any field.
464. Piquant : मसालेदार => Pleasant or sharp to the taste/ interesting.
465. Placard : विज्ञापन => Written or printed notice pasted in public places.
466. Plagiarist : => साहितिय्क चोर => A writer who steal ideas from others.
467. Plagiarism : सहितियिक चोरी => The practice of borrowing words and ideas from other authors and using them as one’ s own : literary theft.
468. Platitude : घिसी पिटी बात => A commonplace remark.
469. Plutocracy : कुलिंत्न्त्र => A government by a rich or powerful class.
470. Polyandry : बहूपति प्रन्था => The custom of having more than one husband at a time.
471. Polyglot : बहुभाषाविद => One who knows many language.
472. Polygon : बहुभुज => A figure with many angles or sides.
473. Polygamy : बहू पत्नी प्रन्था => The custom of having more than one wife at the same time.
474. Posthumous : मरनोपरांत => A child born after the death of its father, or a book published after the death of its author.
475. Postscript : पशलेख => Anything written in a letter after it is signed.
476. Predicament: दुर्दशा => Difficult or dangerous situation.
477. Prejudiced : पूर्वाग्राही => Be biased against.
478. Premonition : पूर्वाभास => Forewarning of an impending danger.
479. Prerogative : विशेषाधिकार => Absolute right.
480. Prodigy : प्रतिभा स्म्पत्र बालक => A child with unusual or remarkable talent.
481. Prognostication : भविष्यवाणी => Act of forecasting by examining present conditions.
482. Prologue : मंगलाचरण => A speech or a poem recited at the beginning of a play.
483. Promiscuous : अति कामुक => Having a lot of different sexual partners.
484. Proponent : प्रस्तावक => Person who proposes something.
485. Propriety : मर्यादा => State of being correct in behavior or moral.
486. Protagonist : मुख्य पात्र => An important supporter of an idea or political system/Chief actor or character in a story or drama.
487. Protectorate : सुरक्षित राज्य => Country under the protection of a more powerful country.
488. Protocol : नयाचार => Code of diplomatic etequette and precedence.
489. Proverb : कहावत => A popular short saying with words of advise or warning.
490. Prudent : समझदार => वाइज.
491. Pseudonym : कृत्रिम नाम=> An imaginary name assume.
492. Puritan : नेतिकवादी=> A person who is strict in morals and religion.
493. Pyrotechnics : आतिशबाजी बनाने की विधा => The art of making firewall.
494. Quadrupted : चोपाया => Four footed-animal.
495. Questionable : सदिग्ध => Doubtful as regards truth of quality of something.
496. Ransom : फिरोती => Sum of money to be paid for freeing a person from captivity.
497. Rational : तर्कसंगत => That can be tested by reasoning.
498. Rebel : द्रोही => One who takes up arms against the government.
499. Recapitulate : संक्षेप में दोहराना => Repeat the main points.
500. Recluse :एकांतवासी => One who lives alone and avoids accompany.
501. Reciprocal : पारस्परिक => Given and received in return.
502. Re-Concile :मेल मिलाप करना => Bring about harmony or agreement.
503. Reconnaissance : किसी स्थान का सेन्य सर्वेक्षण => Information gathering activity about enemy forces.
504. Red Tapism : लाल फितासाही => Too much officially formality.
505. Regicide : राजा की हत्या => Murder of a king.
506. Reflex : पलटा हुआ => An evolutionary action under stimulus is described.
507. Referendum : जनमत संग्रह => The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote.
508. Relegate : दर्जा घटाना => Reduce to a lower position .
509. Reluctant : अनिचीछुक => Unwilling.
510. Remuneration :पारिक्ष्मिक => The sum paid to a man for his labour.
511. Remission : क्षमा => Pardon or forgiveness for breaking religious laws.
512. Rendezvous : मिलन- स्थल => Place fixed for meeting or assembling.
513. Renegade : धर्मपरित्यागी => Person who changes his religious belief/support to someone else or some other nation.
514. Repartee : हाजिर – जवाबी => Witty and clever answers.
515. Repercussion : प्रभाव => Effect of some event, action or decision.
516. Repatriate : अपने देश को लोट आना => To send back a person to one ‘s country.
517. Replica : प्रतिकृति => Copy or reproduction of a work of art.
518. Repository : गोदाम => Place where things are stored for safety.
519. Republic : गणतन्त्र => A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
520. Requiem : शांति- यज्ञ => Prayer for the dead.
521. Reservoir : जलाशय => A place where water is stored.
522. Restitution : चोरी हुई वस्तु की वापसी => Return of object stolen or lost.
523. Retaliate : बदला लेना => Return the same sort of ill-treatment.
524. Reticent : अल्पभाषी => Person who does not speak too much.
525. Retrenchment : छटनी => The process by which a person or an organisation reduces the amount of money it spends.
526. Retrospective : पूर्वगामी =>An effect which has a reference to the past.
527. Rhinologist : नाक रोग विशेषग => Specializes in nose diseases.
528. Richter : रियक्टर => Scale used for measuring the strength of earthquake.
529. Rumous : अफवाह => Unverified information.
530. Sacrilege : पवित्रता भंग करना => Treating something holy without respect.
531. Samaritan : समरी => A person who pities and gives practical help to persons in trouble.
532. Sarcasm : ताना => Bitter and ironical remark.
533. Sanatorium : सेहतगाह => A hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic disease.
534. Savage : जंगली => Violent and uncivilized.
535. Scapegoat : बलि का बकरा =>One who is blamed for the mistakes of others.
536. Sceptic : संदेही => One who is doubtful.
537. Screech : चीखना => Cry out in shrill voice.
538. Scrimmage : खींचातानी => Confused struggle or fight.
539. Scurry : छोटे कदमों से तेज चलना => Move hurriedly with short steps.
540. Secular : धर्म निपेक्ष => Government in which all religions are honored.
541. Sedition : राजसता के विरुद्ध आन्दोलन => Act or speech for inciting the public against the government.
542. Senility : जीर्णावस्था => Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool.
543. Seismograph : भूकम्प सूचक तंत्र => Instruments which records earth’s tremor.
544. Seista : दोपहर का आराम => Period of rest or sleep after lunch.
545. Simulteneous : साथ-साथ =>Occurring at the same time.
546. Sinecure : जहाकम काम में ज्यादा पैसामिले => An office for which high salary is paid for little or no work or responsibility.
547. Smother : दम घोटना=> Kill by suffocation (especially by covering the face with something.
548. Smuggling :तस्करी => Import of goods illegally without payment of custom duties.
549. Snooze : दिन में झपकी लेना => A short sleep in the daytime
550. Sociable : मिलनसार => Fond of the company of others.
551. Sojoun : थोड़ी देर के लिए रुकना => Stay for a short time.
552. Soliloquy : स्वम से एकांत में बात करना => A speech made to oneself.
553. Soluble : घुलनशील=> That can be dissolved.
554. Somnambulist : नींद में चलने वाला => One who walks in one’s sleep.
555. Somniloquist : नींद में बोलने वाला => One who talks in sleep.
556. Sonorous : सुरीला => Having a deep and pleasant sound.
557. Sorocide : बहन की हत्या => Killing of one’s own sister.
558. Souvenir : यादगर=> Something kept as a remainder of an event.
559. Specimen : नमूना => An object or portion serving as the sample.
560. Spendthrift : फिजूलखर्ची => One who spends one’s money recklessly.
561. Spinster : कुंवारी महिला => An elderly Unmarried Women.
562. Sporadic : छिटपुट => Occurring irregularly.
563. Stowaway : बेटिकट यात्री => One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage.
564. Strangulate : गला घोटना => Kill by putting pressure on the throat/ to apply pressure.
565. Stunt : करतब => Something done merely to attract attention.
566. Subdue : काबू में करना => To bring under control.
567. Subjugate : अधीन करना => To bring under control.
568. Subpoena : आकारक => An order requiring a person to attend a court.
569. Suicide : आत्महत्या => Murder of Oneself.
570. Summons : An officials call to appear in court.
571. Supercilious : घमंडी =>Thinking oneself superior to others.
572. Surveilliance :निगरानी => Close watch kept on person suspected or wrongdoing.
573. Sycophant : चापलूस => Person who tries to win a favour by flattering other.
574. Synagogue :यहूदी उपासनाग्रह => Place where Jews worship.
575. Synonyms : समानार्थक शब्द => Words with the same meaning.
576. Talkative : बातूनी => Person who is fond of talking.
577. Temporary : अस्थायी => Lasting only for a short while.
578. Tempest : तूफान => Violent storm
579. Tentrum : आवेश => Fit of bad temper or anger.
580. Teetotaller : मधनिषेदी => One who does not take intoxicating drinks
581. Texidermy : चर्मपूरण करना => The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish.
582. Theist : आस्तिक => One who believes in the existence of God.
583. Theocracy : पादरीतंत्र => A government by the churchmen.
584. Thermometer :तापमापक यंत्र => Instrument for measuring temperature.
585. Topography : त्लरूप => Physical features of an area.
586. Turncoat : सक्रांति काल => A Disloyal person who betrays .
587. Traitor :देशद्रोही => A person who deceives his country.
588. Transgressor : पापी / अपराधी => One who violets a rule or law.
589. Transmigration : आत्मा का शरीर बदलना => The passage of soul after death from one body to the other.
590. Transmogrification : कायाकल्प=> Complete change in appearance or character (especially in a magical or surprising way).
591. Transparent : पारदर्शी => That which can be seen through.
592. Traunt : कामचोर => One who stays away from school/work without permission.
593. Trespassers : अतिक्रमियो => Those who go one to someone else ‘s land without the owner permission.
594. Truism : स्वत: सिद्ध => A truth which is often repeated.
595. Turncoat : ग्धार => A truth which is often repeated.
596. Twins : जुड़वाँ => Two children born together.
597. Tycoon : शक्तिशाली उधोगपति => Powerful industrialist.
598. Tyranny : उत्पीडन => Cruel or Unjust use of force.
599. Unanimous : एकमत => Anything decided with one voice.
600. Ubiquitous :सर्वव्यापी => Present everywhere.
601. Unavoidable : अपरिहार्य => That which cannot be avoided.
602. Unearth :पता लगाना => To discover and bring to light.
603. Unilateral : एकतरफा => Decision taken by one side only.
604. Unique :अनोखा => The only one of its type.
605. Universal : विश्वव्यापी => Belonging to all parts of the world.
606. Unintelligible : अस्पष्ट => Incapable of being understood.
607. Upbringing : पालना पोषण => Training educating during childhood.
608. Urology : मूत्रविज्ञान => The study of Mountains.
609. Usurper : हडपनेवाला => A person who seize something without the right to do so.
610. Utopia : आदर्शलोक => A place where everything is perfect.
611. Uxoricide : पत्नी हत्या => Killing of one’s wife.
612. Uxorious : जोरू का गुलाम => Foolishly fond of one’s wife.
613. Vacuous : बुद्धिंहिन् => Suggesting absence of thought or intellect.
614. Vegetarian : शाकाहारी => The men who does not eat meat.
615. Vendetta : वंशागुत => Feud in which the relatives of the dead or injured take revenge.
616. Verbatim : शब्दश: => Repetition of a writing, word for word. 617. Verbose : अधुरा => A style full of superfluous words containing a small thought.
617. Versatile : बहुमुखी => Interested in, capable of, at many different things.
618. Verso : वामपृष्ट => Any left hand page of an open book.
619. Vesper : शाम की प्राथना => Evening prayer in the Church.
620. Veteran : अनुभवी => A person who has much and long experience.
621. Vincible : जिसे जीता जा सके =>That which can be conquered.
622. Vindictive : प्रतिशोधी => Having or showing a desire to revenge.
623. Vivarium : जिवशाला => A place where animals are kept alive, and nearly as possible as in their natural state.
624. Voyage : जलयात्रा =>A long journey especially by sea.
625. Wardrobe : अलमारी => Stock of clothes.
626. Widower : विधुर => A man whose wife is dead.
627. Widow : विधवा => A woman whose husband is dead.
628. Wreathe : पुष्पहार => Flowers fastened in a circle.
629. : अप्रत्याशित => An unexpected piece of good fortune.
630. Wry : राइ => Pulled or twisted out of shape.
631. Xenophopia : विदेशी लोगो को न पसंद करना =>Extreme fear from strangers.
632. Zealot : मताग्रही =>Person who shows great and uncompromising enthusiasm for a religion, party, cause, etc.
633. Zenith : शीर्षबिंदु => The highest point of one’ s frame, fortunes or happiness.
634. Zoophobia : पशुभिती=> Fear from animals.
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