There are three steps to multiply two digits number.We can do multiplication in an easy approach.We have to just need to learn a simple approach and you will be able to multiply two digit numbers.Make sure you know the one digit table multiplication already.It will make more easy for you to do multiplication in a smart way.
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
Step 1: Multiply Unit digit of first number with Unit digit of second number and put like this as given below.
For Example : 47 X 36
Result 1 = Unit digit of 1st number x Unit digit of 2nd number = 7 x 6 = 42
. 4
. 2
—– —– —–
Note :
- Draw three lines and put the Unit digit of Result 1 on third line and carry forward 4 to next second line.
- Carry Tens digit of Result 1 will come on second line.
Step 2: Cross-multiply the digits of given two number and add them and place them as below.
Mid = Unit digit of 1st number x Tens digit of 2nd number + Tens digit of 1st number x Unit digit of 2nd number
= 4 x 6 + 7 x 3 = 24 + 21 = 45
4 4
. 5 2
—– —– —–
- Put Unit digit of Mid Number on second line.
- Carry forward the Tens digit of Mid Number to first line[or carry forward both Hundred and Tens digit if hundred exist to the first line].
Step 3: Multiply Tens digit of first number with Tens digit of second number and place this like this given below.
Result 2 = Tens digit of 1st number x Tens digit of 2nd number = 4 x 3 = 12
4 4
12 5 2 ==> Add them now
—– —– —–
16 9 2
- Place Result 2 on first line.
- Addition will take place now with carry
- Add all of them respectively.
- Combine result will be your Answer.
So Answer evaluated is 1692.
Example 1
Evaluate 12 x 14.
Result 1 = Unit digit of 1st number x Unit digit of 2nd number = 2 x 4 = 08
Mid = Unit digit of 1st number x Tens digit of 2nd number + Tens digit of 1st number x Unit digit of 2nd number
= 1 x 4 + 2 x 1 = 4 + 2 = 06
Result 2 = Tens digit of 1st number x Tens digit of 2nd number = 1 x 1 = 1
0 0
1 6 8 ==> Add them now
—– —– —–
1 6 8
Final Answer = 168
Example 2
Evaluate 98 x 76.
Result 1 = Unit digit of 1st number x Unit digit of 2nd number = 8 x 6 = 48
Mid = Unit digit of 1st number x Tens digit of 2nd number + Tens digit of 1st number x Unit digit of 2nd number
= 9 x 6 + 8 x 7 = 54 + 56 = 110
Result 2 = Tens digit of 1st number x Tens digit of 2nd number = 9 x 7 = 63
11 4
63 0 8 ==> Add them now
—– —– —–
74 4 8
Final Answer = 7448
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