SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (Tier 2) Exam Analysis 14 Feb 2021, UFM

SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (Tier 2) Exam Analysis 14 Feb 2021, UFM Rules

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has conducted SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (Tier 2) today (14th Feb 2021) in only one shift i.e. 11 AM to 12 Noon. SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper has been over now. Descriptive Paper is usually to test the knowledge and writing ability of any topics. This was in Pen & Paper mode only with either English/Hindi Language.

SSC CHSL Tier-2 (Descriptive Paper) Exam Pattern

SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper consists of two sections Letter and Essay writing each of 50 marks.

Sections Questions Max Marks Time
Letter / Application 1 50 60 min
Essay Writing 1 50
Total 2 100
  • Total 1 hour 20 Minutes is for PWD candidates.

SSC CHSL Tier-2 (Descriptive Paper) Exam Analysis

Application / Letter and Essay questions asked in SSC CHSL Tier-2 exam.

Question 1 : Letter Writing

Question Word Limit
You are Suresh, house no 323 Devnagar Delhi, a tribal activist living in Delhi. Write a letter to District Authority (Sdm/Collector) Bastar, Chhatisgarh for the problems faced by the tribal community 150


Question 2 : Essay Writing

Question Word Limit
Freedom of Speech in India: “constitutional provisions and public debate 250

SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper Important Points

  • No choice was given and candidates need to answer for both questions.
  • This exam was only for 1 hour duration from 11 AM to 12 Noon.
  • Both black/blue pens were allowed in exam centre.
  • Answer sheet were given to students consisting of 12 pages and each pages consisted of four columns/ boxes and 14 rows.
  • Every single word in each box will be counted either ‘A’, ‘The’ or else. So don’t be unaware about the word limit. However it can be +/- 10%.
  • Keep the sheet neat and clean and try to write in your words.

SSC CHSL 2021 Tier 2 UFM Rule

UFM means Unfair Mean. Aspirants are strictly advised Not to Write Any Personal Identity e.g. name, roll number, mobile number, address, etc inside the Answer Book. Aspirants who fail to adhere to these instructions will be awarded zero marks even if marks are awarded during the evaluation process.

Paper will have to be WRITTEN EITHER IN HINDI OR IN ENGLISHPart one paper written in Hindi and Part two in English will be awarded zero marks.

Aspirants must write their correct Roll Number at the prescribed places on the cover page of the Answer Book. Aspirants must also affix signature and Left-hand Thumb Impression in the relevant columns in the Answer Book. Answer Books not bearing Roll Number, Signature and Left-hand Thumb Impression shall be awarded zero Marks.

SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (Tier 2) Exam Review (14th Feb 2021) -How was Exam? Share your Feedback

Feedback 2018

The SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (Tier 2) – (14th Feb 2021) Exam is over now. So, it’s time to share your experience with the exam as it will help you know bits and parts of the exam. Share your SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (Tier 2) Exam 14th Feb 2021 Review and know where you stand among thousands of aspirants who appeared for the exam. And if you remember any questions or the type, share it with us.

Your review will be propitious for the other candidates and will help them to build up their own strategies and plans for upcoming exams based on the review shared.

SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper (Tier 2) Exam Analysis : 15 July 2018

All the best for your upcoming exam!

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